Tuesday 30 April 2013

So much pain...

I've still not stopped sewing but it keeps going a bit disasterously. I got very excited after I'd made my wings on the weekend so I decided to sew my bird together (I've decided to call him Azadi - it means 'Freedom' in Hindi or thats what google translate said, I hope it doesn't mean 'shoe' or anything) and managed it after breaking my new sewing machine, fixing it, and going through 3 needles. But the beak moved when I was sewing - they're sneaky like that - so it looks like a cartoon bird that's walked into a window which wasn't really the look I was going for.
I spent the last 2 days sewing my cage together and it's still not quite finished. It's just being awkward really - the wire keeps breaking needles (I've gone through about 10 the last 2 days) and it wont fit to sew in a circle and the base is too small so everything's got to be re arranged. It wouldn't be too bad but because of how it's been made a lot has to be hand sewn and I've folded the fabric so it doesn't fray then folded it again to sew into a bar so every piece is 4 layers which is great fun when I'm sewing folded bits which are about 16 layers of fabric. I gave up about 5 hours ago and still haven't got all the feeling back in my thumb.
I did have come cookie dough icecream to cheer me up when I got in so I think tomorrow's gonna be a good day. Everything will get finished cos there are only a few more little bits to do so it can get photographed for the degree show catalogue on Thursday. Oh god I hand in in just over a week!

#myna bird #cage #hand sewing #icecream #deadline

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