Sunday, 17 August 2014


After a very exciting Degree Show I've been having a nice little break. In between bouts of sunbathing in the garden I've been applying for internships and have been accepted to help at London Fashion Week on William Chambers Millinery's stand! He's an amazing milliner and I'm so excited I get to work with him at London Fashion Week!

#internships #londonfashionweek #LFW #WilliamChambersMillinery

Monday, 9 June 2014

Degree Show!

Been super busy these last few weeks preparing for my Degree Show!
There was lots of painting things white (I needed sunglasses at the end of it everything was so bright white!) to prepare the space before we finally got to start putting our work up.
It was very exciting seeing everything come together over the few days we were putting work up and after a few minor disasters on my part - the main one being having things fall and an acrylic butterfly shatter! - but everything got fixed and I'm really pleased with how it looks.
While I didn't take my camera round I've managed to get pictures from the people who did of Opening Night...
#degreeshow #openingnight #exhibition #CCAD #Textiles

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Busy Busy!

I've just had a look and turns out I've not written anything for a month!
I've been very busy since last time working in my final collection that was handed in earlier today!
There have been many a late night working on pieces (especially those vines!) leading up to a fab photo shoot a few weeks ago. My photographer, make up artist and model were amazing, huge thanks to all of you.
I'm really pleased with how the final photo's have turned out. These are just a few I took, I'll post the professional ones after my Degree Show, open from 5th June.
This is it for my Uni work now. All handed in. Now there's just the Degree Show to organise!

 #photoshoot #degreeshow #deadline #handin #necklace #backpiece #headpiece #scarf

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Vines and Butterflies!

Had a busy few weeks and kept forgetting to update!

First of all, Happy Mother's Day! I can finally post the picture of a little something I made for my mother...
Since last time I've been very busy with leaves. I did some more sewing and beading before cutting them all out (regretted sewing so many at this point) and sewing them onto my vines
(I quite liked them at this stage, they were like a little pile of autumnal leaves)
I also had a play with butterflies. I managed to get all 95 sewn so I could play around with some wire and beads
Not too sure about the beads, I think they look a little bulky and I wanted the butterflies to look very light and airy.
What do you think?
We also had a talk from the amazing embroiderer Karen Nicol ( about her work. She even came to talk to a few of us about our work and I was lucky enough to be given some amazing advice from her.

 #KarenNicol #leaves #vines #butterflies #embroidery #Mother'sDay

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Leaves, Beads and Butterflies

Had a busy couple of weeks. It started off with leaves for my vines and embroidering vast amounts of them before some were beaded. Had a bit of a nightmare when some of the tiny purple beads wouldn't fit over my needle but I got a real beading needle which has been a great help.
I then spent a few days in the print room hand painting a few butterflies (so I didn't get too bored of leaves) before they were embroidered and shaped for my back-lace...
I've been using some gorgeous silk organza, silk chiffon and crepe de chine for the butterflies, just need to find something that will shape them nicely.
#butterflies #leaves #beads #embroidery #print

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Back to Vines!

This week has been so exciting! And hectic and so busy but it's been great. I've finally started on my vine piece! I dyed so many pieces of fabric that I did some maths and figured out it added up to 300+ bits of dyeing which I was quite impressed with. They were then cut down, sewn together and turned the right way around so the seams were beautiful and neat and that's the main stems finished!

When I was dyeing all the strips of fabric I did sort of take over the dye lab for a change.
The finished stems! To give some perspective on size some are about 2 meters long and all are this thickness
All that's left to do now is make millions of leaves to cover them. This is something leafy I was working on the other week but I might use some beads for these leaves...

#vines #leaves #dipdye #beads #sewing #silk

Thursday, 20 February 2014


In between bits of dye sampling for my vines (still excited about that piece) I managed to make a few sample flowers that might go into a headpiece. I used about half a can of spray starch on them to make them a bit more sturdy but they still need something else. I also got a bit too excited and sewed them together without a stem!

 #flower #silk #cotton #petals #vines

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Busy week

This week has been very exciting. Remember the vine piece I showed you that I said you'd have to use your imagination for? Well you wont have to any more! I spent all week rolling paper to make vines, painting them and attaching leaves so I could make this mock up...
My work bay (that I'd just cleaned) went from this...
...To this in about 10 seconds (that's it looking fairly clean for all the painting I did!)
 And it turned my hands into this
But I came out with all these beautiful vines that took up half the studio and made a bit of a mess of the floor but look really exciting when they're all put together
 What do you think?

#vines #fashion #accessory #dyes #workbay