Had an interesting week. I've been experimenting with how to make my neckpiece out of fabric and what bits are good to print/embroider etc.
We learnt about pull throughs which is a print technique where you paint dye onto the screen then pull the paste through instead of mixing it all together. I did actually quite enjoy it and it gives a really nice soft effect and tried it for feathers and petals...
Ooh, how pretty and colourful! But then it gets washed and steamed and this happened
It all washed out! Not entirely sure why, probably didn't use the right fixative/the paste was off/didn't steam properly so I will try again and hopefully it will work cos I really would like to use it.
To cheer myself up after I did a bit of sewing for some leaves. They worked nicely and didn't go wrong at the last minute.
I'd used a water soluble fabric with the leaves so when I washed it away they went a bit gluey and sticky (I've been covered in glue all day after cutting them out lol) but I can shape them and they can look all leafy
#printing #embroidery #pull through #leaves #feathers