Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Red Door Rapper

Red Door Rapper are a fab new Rapper group (the dancing kind of Rapper, confusing I know, but they have a Facebook page and a few videos on Youtube that you can have a look at if you're unfamiliar with the dance kind of Rapper) started by my good friend Emma who will sadly be leaving to go to Uni at Cambridge! So I've made her a little leaving present to take with her and so she doesn't forget us :)

There's even a little red door as well!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

New Stuff :)

As well as doing the holiday work college have set me (hello Bignose Unicornfish, the coolest fish name ever!) I found out my Dance teacher is going to have a baby! It was kind of obvious as she was about 8 months pregnant when I saw her but still. So I decided to make a little baby gift for her, and here it is...

 Actually, this isn't for her new baby, this is for the one she had a few years ago and I still hadn't got round to making something for but when she has the new one and I know the name I'll make it's cushion straight away!
Honest :)